
Source checkout on GitHub or download Zip File
$ git clone

Skip this step if you downloaded the binary distribution.

Check Out Source or download and unpack the ZIP File. Change into the /www directory and open index.html in your Browser (Firefox, Chrome or Safari). Log into the server if asked, using the URL printed red in the terminal when you started up the server. Set a both username and password. If the user does not exists, it will be added. Keep the password, right now there is no easy way to recover it.

For Developers

Grunt task for developers:
$ npm install
$ grunt

If you are a developer, there is a grunt task which minifies all css and javascript files.  If you are familiar with cordova, you can use the www folder directly within a cordova project.

Manage content

Congratulations! You have now a running server and controller. At this point, you are able to store media, define shows, set styles and targets. But you don't have a visual output yet. Until you are able to store something, you need to quickly set up your first show.

After you you logged in, open the settings in the sidebar on the bottom.

Add and activate a show: tap the plus sign, fill out the form and toggle the show. It will be grey.

Add and activate at least one channel. Channels are normally defined by the content. You will probably start with a video channel. When uploading data, Automatic Cinema will determine the channel by the file suffix. For a video channel, you probably set somthing like `.avi;.mp4;.mov` in suffices section of the channel form.

Repeat the steps for target, style and content. Normally, one preset is enough for a show.

Now you can close the settings. Open «content» in the sidebar and start to drag and drop media files. Add some keywords by double clicking on the canvas. Add lines between keywords by clicking on one word and dragging a line onto another. Right click on your mouse to delete a keyword or a node.